Surprising Kickstarter Fulfillment

Surprising Kickstarter Fulfillment Tips, Services, and Resources

Running a Kickstarter campaign means a lot of marketing, videos, and interaction with your backers. It also means making sure your fulfillment is being handled right by experienced professionals.

To shed some light on the subject, as well as offer resources, websites, and some tips and tricks of the industry, we sat down with Sal Briggman of CrowdCrux for a Q&A all about fulfillment. He is the expert on Kickstarter, and has been sharing his expertise and experience with all of you for years. In this podcast, you will get to learn how to get further without getting caught up in the fulfillment jungle, and which fulfillment options are right for you and your project.

Sal’s excellent podcast has been a valuable resource for crowdfunding creators from the novice to the Kickstarter expert. He chronicles the trends, trials, and triumphs of the best campaigns out there, and gives you the tools you need to not only launch, but complete and fulfill an amazing crowdfunding campaign.

You can listen to the entire Podcast here, and when you’re done, head over HERE to find the other great podcasts Sal has done. And of course, you’re going to want to subscribe for weekly crowdfunding tips that will help you launch a super successful Indiegogo or Kickstarter campaign You’ll thank us!

Happy Listening!