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How to Fulfill Your Kickstarter On Time: 5 Bottlenecks to Avoid

It is notoriously difficult to fulfill a Kickstarter campaign on-time. For that reason, we have worked with Sal Briggman of CrowdCrux to identify five common bottlenecks. We want every Kickstarter campaign to meet its true potential!

Do you ever feel like Kickstarter campaigns are always late? It’s not your imagination. According to CNN, 84% of Kickstarter projects shipped late in the year 2012. Kickstarter creators often do not understand foundational business concepts. Many times, that includes supply chain management, a subject which we are uniquely qualified to discuss at length.

In this post, we cover the five common bottlenecks and talk about how to overcome them. The bottlenecks are:

  1. Sending poor specifications to the manufacturer.
  2. The manufacturer delivers late.
  3. Mishandling freight forwarding.
  4. Hijinks with customs and regulations.
  5. Slow fulfillment by the warehouse.

You can read that article here.