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Will Your Business Benefit Using Multiple Warehouses?

Signing up with a fulfillment company with multiple warehouses may be the wrong decision for some businesses, but a good fit for others. It all depends on your business, products and a variety of other factors that all contribute to whether or not shipping to multiple warehouses is right for you.

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3 Easy Facebook Holiday Promotions

These days, most brands have a Facebook page and for all intensive purposes, it’s still one of the most effective platforms to promote on. To keep your holiday sales momentum going, you may want to consider trying out some Facebook holiday promotions.

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Shopify and Facebook Introduce the Shop Section

Have an online store through Shopify? How about a Facebook Page for your business? Well then, it’s your lucky day as Shopify and Facebook have teamed up to announce another exciting development in e-commerce we feel our customers can benefit from: the Shop section.