Automated Shipping: How to Streamline Order Fulfillment

Running a successful eCommerce store takes a lot of work. There’s no way around it. Building a brand, driving sales, and keeping product quality high are all difficult tasks.

But you know what shouldn’t be difficult? Order fulfillment.

Order fulfillment is one of the easiest business functions to outsource and automate. Relatively minor actions can help you ship orders without your direct involvement, cut down on returns, simplify inventory replenishment, and even upsell.

Here are seven simple tips to help you get started.

Read the full post on the SPS Commerce Blog.

You’ve done everything by the book. Your Kickstarter campaign is almost ready to launch.

You made a great product. Built an audience. Set up a campaign page.

But how do you ship it?

We put this checklist together to help you get started. It's free.